Halloween Chex Mix Recipe

eating on a dime

This is the perfect snack for Halloween parties or just an after school snack!

easy  snack  mix!

Prep Time: 15 Mins

– Rice Chex  – Bugles – Mini Pretzels – Candy Corn – Candy Corn Pumpkins  – Reese’s Pieces  – Butter  – Brown Sugar – Vanilla Extract

Cook Time: 20 mins


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Step 1

~ Stir the melted butter and brown sugar till well combined.  ~ Line a tray with parchment paper. 

Step 2

Put the snack mix (except the candy) on your baking sheets. Drizzle the butter mixture over everything. Use your hands to make sure it is well coated!

Step 3

~ Bake for 20 mins, stirring halfway.  ~ After baking, toss in the candy corn, candy pumpkins & Reese’s pieces candy!

Step 4

Break into chunks and put  in a serving dish.  It is so good!

The sweet salt corn chex & candy combination make this so amazing!

serve & enjoy!

We just love this delicious & festive snack mix.